Top music production companies | production music companies-stan fomin
Record contracts are, for all
intents and purposes, loan agreements. Agreements that work, pretty
effectively, in the record company's favor. According to major artists like
Courtney Love, David Byrne and Trent Reznor, major labels and their contracts
strip artists of the profits from their own music, giving it over to the label.
Here's how it works.
The Artist:
Pays for recording the record out of their
Covers all touring costs
Is responsible for expenses outside already
designated parameters
Rights to the work, if signed over for a larger
advance, belong to the record company
The Major Label Record Company:
Pays to have the artist's music played on the
Pays out an advance to artist
Keeps the rights to the artist's
work to be used at the discretion of the label.
A lot of artist's never see the
light of success they imagined at the end of the tunnel. In fact, according to
industry insiders and artists that know, record companies operate with a 5%
success rate, meaning 5% of the total artists on a label actually become
profitable or Top music production companies. 95% of bands signed by major
labels end up never turning a profit, owing money to the record company or
never having their record released at all & Speaking of which. Visit here for More info-
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