About The Sf Music & Sound Design Agency

The Stan ford is a hub for local and international music composer house and have international prestige all over world. The Stan known for his great work Stan can help you compose your song with our sweet music . We can provide you a platform where you can change your dream in real voice through us come with us we provide the quality music with different sounds . First of all we tell you your singing talent then we make decision and tell you what is best could be for you . Now days we don’t any kind popularity because our name is enough in music production line. You can see our project on TV, radio, web, film, animation, virtual reality. We have perform many stage perform we are here more than 60 years . Our production actually provide right way to new comers who are weaving their dream but they don’t know how to change imagination into reality.
SF AudioProduction Team writes the music that you are looking for, able to create specific sound which you are looking for your musical needs.We can set up and orchestrate for any kind of audio — visual contest: from simple 3 — chord song to films, documentaries, video games and multimedia shows. Stan reliable accurate and easy to work and delivers our projects in dead line.If you are interested in our production house you can contact us through Skype
and phone we love to assist you our customer executive will provide you all kind information and our details join with us today we are waiting for you with full of hands. Stan is specific expert in jazz music you can see our album and performance on stages and our DVD and CD also available in market all over world.we are not working for specific region we are available all over world you can join us through web or phone.We can do unique pleasure of mixing music album for you we have done work with biggest name recently.we have great Ukrainian folk songs recorded with an orchestra.
Our services
Live Sessions Online
1. Jazz improvisation lessons
2. Harmonization/re-harmonization instructional sessions
3. Piano arrangements, LH embellishment for remix
Customized personal 1x1 session via Skype. Please contact Stan to schedule your Skype date and time.
Contact us
You can do mail us anytime sfaudioproduction@gmail.com you can do call us also we are providing our telephone no. 6478954884


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