Top Music Production Companies | Audio Production Services

Editor stan fomin writes in his introduction: “As with other innovations, whether science-, technology-, or business-related, none happen in a vacuum and all have deep reverberations. That’s what this book is all about: the sources of those reverberations and the revelations of those who were impacted by them and filtered them into their own ground-breaking work.” 

I have always been passionate about piano music. My parents had production music blasting on their turntables or the radio all day long when I was a kid, playing mostly jazz music, classical, and musicals. My mom taught my sister, brother and myself the piano music when we were young, and we eventually took audio post production companies lessons, but at age 10 I decided I wanted drum lessons and no more hal leonard corporation – just drums, drums, drums! One year later, when I was 11, I saw The Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show, aka “The Night That Changed Canada.” They performed for 72 million people that night.
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